
Export/Backup Ollama Model

The following commands help to export/backup the ollama models which allows to quick restore the models or setup an offline machine using file transfer. Pull a model from registry ollama pull llava:7b Export the model mkdir -p llava_7b_backup cd llava_7b_backup ollama show --modelfile llava:7b > Modelfile cat Modelfile | grep -E '^FROM' | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | xargs -I {} cp {} . cat Modelfile | grep '# FROM' | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | xargs -I {} echo 'ollama create {} -f Modelfile' > readme.txt sed -i '' -E 's/^FROM.*blobs/FROM ./g' Modelfile Import the model  cd llava_7b_backup ollama create llava:7b -f Modelfile Run the model ollama run llava:7b Remove the model ollama rm llava:7b

AWS Workspaces Client and Linux Changes

The following changes to AWS Workspaces Client and Linux will boost developer's productivity Make the following changes in the AWS Workspace Client: Menu -> Settings -> Manage Hardware Acceleration -> Enabled (Tick) Menu -> Settings -> Display Settings -> High DPI Mode (Tick) Menu -> Settings -> Switch Running Mode -> Always On (Select) Make the following tweaks inside the Amazon Linux Operating System: Settings -> Privacy -> Screen Lock -> Automatic Screen Lock -> Off Open a Terminal and execute the following command to switch to GNOME classic UI nohup gnome-shell --mode=classic -r > /dev/null 2>&1 & To switch back to modern GNOME UI nohup gnome-shell --mode=user -r > /dev/null 2>&1 & Store the following commands as alias in ~/.bashrc file to use it as convenient shortcuts: alias gnome_classic='nohup gnome-shell --mode=classic -r > /dev/null 2>&1 &' alias gnome_modern='nohup gnome-shell --...

Java's ScheduledExecutorService example

Example of Java's ScheduledExecutorService to run a block of code once (with a delay) or repeatedly at fixed rate or fixed delay. ScheduledExecutorService can be a single threaded executor (used to execute in a coordinated way) or can be multi threaded executor (used to execute in parallel) import java.util.concurrent.Executors ; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService ; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit ; public class ExampleScheduledExecutor implements AutoCloseable { private final ScheduledExecutorService executorService = Executors . newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor (); // use newScheduledThreadPool() for running with multiple threads in parallel // private final ScheduledExecutorService executorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2); public ExampleScheduledExecutor ( long initialDelay , long fixedDelay ) { executorService .schedule(() -> executeOnlyOnce(), initialDelay , TimeUnit . SECONDS ); executorService .scheduleAtFixedR...

less - Unix / Linux command line reader cheat sheet

Useful pdf file that contains the common commands used in less command line reader

vi - Unix / Linux command line editor cheat sheat

Useful pdf file that contains the common commands used in vi command line editor

Jetbrains IDE - IntelliJ Customisation for Developer Productivity

The following changes to any Jetbrains IDE (IntelliJ) makes developers more productive. Settings Changes: Settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Appearance -> Zoom -> 90 or 100 or 110 based on Screen Resolution Settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Appearance -> Use custom font -> Size 16 Settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Appearance -> UI Options -> Show main menu in a separate toolbar -> Tick Settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Appearance -> UI Options -> Use project colours in main toolbar -> Tick Settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Appearance -> UI Options -> Compact Mode -> Tick Settings -> System Settings -> Confirm before exiting the IDE -> Untick Settings -> System Settings -> Project -> Reopen projects on startup -> Tick Settings -> System Settings -> Project -> open project in : New window Settings -> Editor -> Font -> Size 16 Settings -> Ed...

sdkman - Multiple versions of Java JDK on Mac

Install sdkman curl -s "" | bash Verify Installation Open a new terminal and execute sdk version List candidates sdk list List available version for a candidate sdk list java Install Java LTS versions sdk install java 21.0.4-jbr sdk install java 17.0.12-jbr sdk install java Set default Java version sdk default java 21.0.4-jbr Create alias in $HOME/.zprofile to switch jdk echo "alias jdk_21_use='sdk default java 21.0.4-jbr'" >> $HOME/.zprofile echo "alias jdk_17_use='sdk default java 17.0.12-jbr'" >> $HOME/.zprofile echo "alias jdk_11_use='sdk default java'" >> $HOME/.zprofile List current default version of a candidate sdk current java List currently installed versions of a java sdk list java | grep 'installed' Install Maven sdk install maven List currently installed version of maven or other candidates sdk list maven | grep '*'