Essential Heroku Commands for Java (Spring Boot) developers
This blog post captures the command used to create and configure java apps or spring boot apps deployed to Heroku Cloud. I use these commands in CI/CD deployment steps for continuous delivery and also to access the application's information from my local development machine. These commands are tested with Heroku Client version: heroku/7.0.33 darwin-x64 node-v10.0.0 View help heroku help Login/Logout to heroku With email and password heroku auth:login heroku auth:whoami heroku auth:logout Login/Logout to heroku With token # set HEROKU_API_KEY environment variable to login export HEROKU_API_KEY=<<API Key from>> heroku auth:whoami # unset HEROKU_API_KEY environment variable to logout unset HEROKU_API_KEY # clear the history to clear the API Key history -cw && cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history Show available regions for deployment heroku regions Create an application heroku apps:create --app app-...