
Showing posts from September, 2018

Blazemeter Taurus load testing and offline jmeter html report

Recently I had used Blazemeter Taurus for load testing my application and I was quiet impressed with the features offered by Taurus. It is not a new tool by itself, instead it makes use of existing load testing tools like Apache JMeter or Gatling. However it offers enough abstraction to users from the underlying load testing tool using YAML configuration files. Advantages of using Taurus over JMeter 1) JMeter uses single jmx xml file to simulate the load test, which makes it hard for more than one person to work on the single jmx file and resolving conflicts might turn tricky 2) Easy to review changes made to the Taurus YAML file on commit by commit basis to understand the changes made to the load testing. This is especially handy during pull request process 3) Easy to run in non-interactive command line mode, so easy to integrate with CI tools 4) Official docker image provided by Blazemeter Taurus, which required minimal setup to run load test in development machines and also