Empowering Backend Engineering Team
I am writing this blog to share the ideas and concepts which will empower the backend developer, devops engineer and QAs. Terraform Presentation Slide These ideas are not tied or limited to particular framework or libraries or cloud providers, instead these can be in many different ways using different tool sets which the team might already be familiar with. To achieve these end goals, the backend application and devops toolsets should be complementing each other in various aspects. I am going to list out the desired features I would like to have in my project / team under various categories. I have also created the following sample repositories on github to showcase these ideas in a simplified way. Sample Java Spring Boot application with Maven: https://github.com/harishkannarao/MySpringBoot Sample QA Acceptance tests with Gradle: https://github.com/harishkannarao/gradle-qa-acceptance-tests Sample Infrastructure as Code in AWS with Terraform: https://github.com/ha...