
Showing posts from November, 2023

Colima - Drop In replacement for Docker Desktop for Mac and Linux

Colima ( Co ntainer on Li nux Ma chines) is an open source alternative and drop in replacement for Docker Desktop on Mac and Linux. It is simple to setup and run containers without the need for sudo or root access. Images can be pulled form both Docker hub ( ) or Amazon's public registry ( ) Amazon's registry is more permissive or friendly with pull rates for both clients and non-clients of AWS. This article show the setup and basics of running containers on mac. Installation command for Linux can vary based on the distribution type, hence please refer to official documentation for up-to-date steps at Installation on mac: brew install docker  brew install docker-buildx brew install docker-compose brew install jq brew install colima Setup docker compose as docker plugin mkdir -p $HOME/.docker/cli-plugins ln -sfn $(which docker-compose) $