nodeenv: Isolated node runtimes on MacOS

nodeenv allows to create isolated node runtimes per project which resembles to virtual environments in python world. In enterprise projects, where multiple projects are built against different versions of node runtime and dependencies, it is advantageous to have nodeenv to install multiple versions of node runtimes at project level.

Install nodeenv

brew install nodeenv


pip install nodeenv

List available node runtime versions

nodeenv --list

Create latest node version as virtual environment

nodeenv env

Create a specific node version as virtual environment

nodeenv --node=14.15.0 env

Activate a virtual environment

source env/bin/activate

Verify node and npm version

node --version
npm --version

Install a package scoped to the virutal environment

npm install -g cypress

Deactivate or exit from virtual environment


Delete the virtual environment

rm -rf env


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