Jetbrains IDE - IntelliJ Customisation for Developer Productivity

The following changes to any Jetbrains IDE (IntelliJ) makes developers more productive.

Settings Changes:

Settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Appearance -> Zoom -> 90 or 100 or 110 based on Screen Resolution

Settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Appearance -> Use custom font -> Size 16

Settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Appearance -> UI Options -> Show main menu in a separate toolbar -> Tick

Settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Appearance -> UI Options -> Use project colours in main toolbar -> Tick

Settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Appearance -> UI Options -> Compact Mode -> Tick

Settings -> System Settings -> Confirm before exiting the IDE -> Untick

Settings -> System Settings -> Project -> Reopen projects on startup -> Tick

Settings -> System Settings -> Project -> open project in : New window

Settings -> Editor -> Font -> Size 16

Settings -> Editor -> General -> Soft Wraps -> Soft-wrap these files -> *.*

Settings -> Editor -> General -> Breadcrumbs -> Show Breadcrumbs -> Select all checkboxes

Settings -> Editor -> General -> Editor Tabs -> Show tabs in : One row and Scroll the tabs panel

Settings -> Editor -> General -> Editor Tabs -> Show pinned tabs in a separate row

Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Editor -> Tick Hide floating toolbar for code editing

Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Markdown -> Tick Hide floating toolbar

View Menu -> Appearance -> Status Bar -> Tick

Toolbar Changes:

Settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Menus and Toolbars -> Editor Popup Menu ->  Add Action (Next to Paste) -> Main Menu -> Edit -> Cut/Copy/Paste Actions -> Paste Actions -> Paste from History

Settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Menus and Toolbars -> Editor Popup Menu ->  Add Action (Next to Paste) -> Main Menu -> Edit -> Find -> Find...

Settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Menus and Toolbars -> Editor Popup Menu ->  Add Action (Next to Paste) -> Main Menu -> Edit -> Find -> Replace...

Settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Menus and Toolbars -> Main Toolbar -> Left -> Add Action

Main Menu -> Build -> Build Project

Main Menu -> Navigate -> Back

Main Menu -> Navigate -> Forward

Editor Actions -> Scroll to Top (Export icon)

Editor Actions -> Scroll to Bottom (Import icon)

Main Menu -> Navigate -> Go to Line:Column.. (Grid icon)

Main Menu -> Navigate -> Navigate in File -> Previous Method (Move Up icon)

Main Menu -> Navigate -> Navigate in File -> Next Method  (Move Down icon)

Main Menu -> Edit -> Find -> Previous Occurrence of the Word at Caret (Previous Occurrence icon)

Main Menu -> Edit -> Find -> Next Occurrence of the Word at Caret (Next Line Bookmark icon)

Main Menu -> Edit -> Editor Select Actions -> Select Word Actions -> Shrink Selection (Apply Non-Conflicting Changes from the Right Side icon)

Main Menu -> Edit -> Editor Select Actions -> Select Word Actions -> Expand Selection (Apply Non-Conflicting Changes from the Left Side icon)

Editor Actions -> Duplicate Line or Selection (Add icon)

Editor Actions -> Delete Line (Remove icon)

Editor Actions -> Join Lines (Merge icon)

Main Menu -> Code -> Move Line Up (Increase Header icon)

Main Menu -> Code -> Move Line Down (Decrease Header icon)

Main Menu -> Code -> Code Formatting Actions -> Reformat Code

Main Menu -> Code -> Code Formatting Actions -> Optimize Imports (Resolve Simple Conflicts icon)

Main Menu -> Refactor -> Rename (Edit icon)

Main Menu -> Refactor -> Extract/Introduce -> Introduce Variable (Code icon)

Main Menu -> Edit -> Cut/Copy/Paste Actions -> Cut

Main Menu -> Edit -> Cut/Copy/Paste Actions ->Copy

Main Menu -> Edit -> Cut/Copy/Paste Actions -> Paste Actions -> Paste

Main Menu -> Edit -> Cut/Copy/Paste Actions -> Paste Actions -> Paste from History (Commit Message History icon)

Main Menu -> Edit -> Column Selection Mode (Actual Size icon)

Main Menu -> Run -> Debuger Actions -> Debugging Actions -> Evaluate Expression

Main Menu -> Code -> Comment Actions -> Comment with Line Comment

Main Menu -> Window -> Active Tool Window -> Hide All Tool Windows (Stop icon)

Main Menu -> Edit -> Undo

Main Menu -> Edit -> Redo

Main Menu -> Navigate -> Search Everywhere

Additional Plugins:

Install Fast Scroll Plugin from Jetbrains to enable middle click scroll in editor

Install Fast Scrolling Plugin from Sven Dress to enable quick scroll using Ctrl Key. Adjust the scroll step using Settings -> Fast-Scrolling -> Step 300

Install Cyan Light Theme Plugin from Jetbrains


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